Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams by Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink

Basic Information

  • Title: Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams

  • Authors: Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink

  • Top Recognitions: Rated as a Top 5 leadership book by Forbes in 2024 and the #1 team leadership book by Forbes in 2023.

Brief Synopsis

"Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams" serves as an indispensable guide for managers and leaders focused on fortifying team resilience amidst today's increasingly volatile business landscapes. The book addresses the crucial need for teams that can withstand and adapt to challenges such as global economic shifts, rapid technological advancements, and heightened competition.

Key Themes and Topics

  • Resilience in Team Dynamics: Exploring the importance of resilience as a collective team attribute rather than just an individual trait.

  • Practical Resilience Strategies: Providing hands-on tips and strategies to enhance team resilience through real-world examples and case studies.

  • Four Pillars of Team Resilience: Detailed discussion on the four critical resources for resilience — team confidence, teamwork roadmaps, capacity to improvise, and psychological safety.

Author’s Background

Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink are acclaimed for their contributions to organizational behavior and leadership. Their extensive experience and prior research greatly inform the insights shared in this book, making it a credible and authoritative resource on team leadership.

Practical Applications

  • Cultivating Team Confidence: Strategies to build and maintain confidence among team members, even when facing setbacks.

  • Developing Teamwork Roadmaps: How to create clear, adaptable plans that guide teams through complex tasks and unexpected changes.

  • Enhancing Capacity to Improvise: Encouraging flexibility and quick thinking within teams to respond effectively to unforeseen challenges.

Recommended Audience

This book is highly recommended for leaders at all levels, particularly those managing teams in dynamic and challenging environments. It is equally beneficial for leaders of in-person, remote, or hybrid teams looking to strengthen their team’s ability to overcome adversities.

Natasha's Take

"Unbreakable" is both a practical and inspiring guide that equips leaders with the tools necessary to develop truly resilient teams. The combination of theoretical insights and actionable advice makes it a must-read for anyone committed to creating high-performing and adaptable teams.

Guided Questions

What are the core characteristics of a resilient team according to Kirkman and Stoverink?

  • Consider how these characteristics compare to those of teams you've been a part of.

  1. How do the authors define the four essential resources for resilience (team confidence, teamwork roadmaps, capacity to improvise, and psychological safety)?

    • Reflect on which of these resources your current team might be lacking.

  2. Can you identify a recent situation where your team demonstrated resilience?

    • Analyze which of the four key resources were most utilized during that situation.

  3. What practical strategies do the authors provide for enhancing team confidence?

    • Evaluate how feasible it would be to implement these strategies in your team.

  4. How do teamwork roadmaps contribute to a team’s ability to handle unexpected challenges?

    • Think about whether your team has a clear roadmap and how it has helped (or could help) in crisis situations.

  5. In what ways can leaders foster an environment that supports improvisation and adaptability?

    • Consider specific actions or policies that could encourage this type of environment in your workplace.

  6. What role does psychological safety play in building resilient teams, according to the book?

    • Reflect on how psychological safety (or the lack of it) has impacted your team’s performance and resilience.

  7. How do the real-world examples provided in the book illustrate the importance of resilience in different team settings?

    • Identify any parallels between these examples and your own experiences.

  8. What are the challenges of applying the book’s advice in a remote or hybrid team setting?

    • Consider the unique obstacles these team formats might present and how you might overcome them.

  9. After reading the book, what are one or two key changes you plan to implement to enhance your team's resilience?

  • Outline actionable steps you can take and how you expect these changes to impact your team’s dynamic.

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